The Icon A5

Humans have always dreamed of having the freedom of flight. While we are certainly living in an aviation age, only a precious few can truly drop everything, get on a private plane, and fly wherever their heart (or range restrictions) will take them.

A new plane, the Icon A5, is changing that. With a special sport classification, the A5 does not require a full pilots license. Moreover, its price of 200,000+ is inexpensive for a plane. A range of 350 or so miles is short for a plane, but it makes it ideal for recreational or short trips. Imagine working in New York City with a vacation house in New Hampshire. Or living at Lake Tahoe and commuting to the Bay Area by flight.

icon a5 It can land on both water or a runway, making this a highly versatile private aircraft.

icon a5

With a cockpit designed like a car, even beginning flyers will find it easy and comfortable to pilot.

icon a5

Unlike most planes, transporting the A5 on road is possible. Even better, the plane does not require jet fuel–it takes 91 octane gasoline.

icon a5

The A5’s small size means that while only two people and some small bags can be carried, it still remains an exciting choice for beginning pilots, those with vacation homes, or those who want to have the world’s most interesting commute. Find out more at For more on the light sport aviation trend, check out this informative and interesting WSJ article.

(All photos courtesy Icon Aircraft)

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